Friday, April 17, 2020

The Way of Life for the Inuit People free essay sample

Students were sent away for 4 years to a school to get an education from some missions set up to help the villagers get a good education. The only bad thing about it was the fact that the schools discouraged native language. If students came to class and spoke a native american language they were punnished harsly, either with soap in their mouth or having to stick there head agaist the corner of a wall for long periods of time. Most of the Inuits entertainment was from hunting gatherings and raids. In result to the harsh, cold winters, inuit villagers had a hard time finding building supplies. No trees were found in the tundra. Only way to get wood was from transportation from different villages. The snow was a big factor in inuit life. They used snow for their house’s, also known as igloos. It was the best way to keep themselves from freezing to death or frostbite. We will write a custom essay sample on The Way of Life for the Inuit People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the summer rolled around that ment the snow was melting away so the inuit people had to come up with a plan to have shelter. Their shelter was made up of streched out pieces of animal fur. Transportation was very small around the artic tundra because of their freezing tempuratures. When they did transport goods the relyed on huskies to pull them around the tundra. They huskies were respected so much because of their strong legs and thick skin for warmth and protection. During the summer they used two different kinds of boats, a kayak for hunting, and a umiaq for transporting people, supplies, and dogs. The inuit people had a huge hunting culture. Especially whales, during whale season inuit people set out on whale expeditions to catch, the whale fleets so they can stack up on food for the winter. The inuit people were very independent, and dependent on the few around them. They passed down the hunting kills from generation to generation, giving the inuits a big advantage in hunting and staying alive during the harsh winters.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Abandoned Baby Essay Example

Abandoned Baby Essay In abandoned baby a teenage girl called Donna becomes pregnant and after it is born she abandones it in a cardboard box wrapped in a tea towel at the bus stop. It is found by a girl from university and she takes it to hospital and it is in good health.The baby was named December Scofield as it was found in December and the girl who found it, had the surname Scofield.The issues that arise are teenage pregnancy, parenthood, responsibility and financing.Donnas Diary24 March:-I looked around everywhere, no one was around, so I slowly walked into the pharmacy and walked over to the pregnancy test area and picked up one of those packets. After I bought it I went home and tested myselfI was shocked it had proved positive, I aint got a clue of what to do, I want to tell someone but who?25 March:-My friends today were noticing my getting big as its been about six weeks, I think? I hope nobody jumps to any conclusions.6 May:-I felt so sick today my mum almost made me go to the doctors, but I s aid Id be fine and so I got away with it this time but still havent got the guts to tell anyone especially after what I heard my parents saying about my ex-boyfriend Steven, that he was a bad influence on me and that one day I would regret what he might do.21 May:-My friends were saying where you going to get the money from and how you gonna look after it..? but I said for what? and by the looks of it they seem to be knowing whats going on.31 May:-My clothes dont seem to fit now, all Im wearing is T-shirt and Jog pants all the time.5 June:-I went to the library today and got a book on parenting and read a bit and then fell asleep in the afternoon, I do seem to be sleeping a lot lately. Just before dinner my mum found that book I got and yelled as if someone had stab her, back to the point, she came running down and dropped the book on mu lap and said what on earth is this book doing in your room? I was terrified, what was I to say? should I tell her? would she be supportive? but in the end I said its for a school project and she relaxed like an exhausted flying bird. Then she said for a moment I thought you were having a baby.13 Sept:-Its a start to the new term at school and all the others shocked to see me looking like a balloon. I told them that I just had this problem which made me eat a lot but now Im on medicine.15 Sept:-Today at school we organised a holiday for Christmas and they kept asking it I would come and I said yes so many times, they still wont believe that theres nothing wrong with me.23 Nov:-Mum asked me if I was pregnant with all the vomiting, she said she would support me and everything, but as it was I couldnt tell her.3 Dec:-The baby was born today, luckly no one was home and I just fed it, gave it a bath and it just went to sleep, then I thought long and hard of what to do. I couldnt keep it my mum would kill me. My parents would be home in 2 hours. So then I just had to wrap it in a tea towel and found a large box and lined it with tea towels and put it in there, it was fast asleep and I was crying so much I just had to let it go I couldnt face showing my parents after it being born and not telling them when they asked.So then I stepped out the house and went off to where the road led, then I came to a bus stop with lots of people there, I thought this would be the best place so when it cried someone would know what to do, just before I left it I put my chain on it, the one with S=D on it. Then I went off to the park for a serious think and thought that I have basically ruined the babies life and any hope of peace it may have had.